Saturday, 3 May 2014

SPENSER GOES NORTH is released on Amazon Kindle

Yes, the last post showed two covers that were hugely different from this one, but the other concepts just didn't work out and so here is the latest book with an entirely different set of clothes, finally set loose on an unsuspecting world.

Or Amazon Kindle at least.

The obligatory blurb goes like this:

'Wardington-Smythe is Britain's greatest hero; gentleman adventurer, master marksman, expert fencer and all-round doer of derring. He is exactly the kind of man you want on the job when the Imperial Commonwealth faces its greatest peril.

It's a shame that he's fictional.

The task of saving the Commonwealth falls instead to Wardington-Smyth's creator, a novelist for whom adventure is changing his supplier of bacon.

Aided only by a street urchin of dubious morality, Spenser Warwick must solve the mystery of scented letters, vanishing airships and abducted ladies whilst not getting drugged in public conveniences. At least not again.

Adventure is certainly not how he imagined it.'

It's a standalone novel, but then again so was The Man From U.N.D.EA.D. and look what happened there.

UK link:
US link: