Sunday, 30 October 2011

Fantastic Way to Spend Some Time - Five Star Review For The Great Rock N Roll Doomsday Tour

The Great Rock N Roll Doomsday Tour just received a five star review on Amazon. Since this is one of the books to have received the least interest, much to my surprise(I was wondering if it was the title), it is nice to know that someone appreciates it.
The review:
5.0 out of 5 stars  
Fantastic Way to Spend Some Time, October 30, 2011
Basically I read to escape from life, from its mundaneness, its stress and all its other annoyances...
This book was absolutely perfect to escape into... amazingly colourful characters and a twisty, turny, convoluted (but perfectly followable) storyline peppered with amusing comparisons left me laughing out loud on more than one occasion...
A gem of a book which is totally delightful but doesn't take itself too seriously. i am off to seek out more of this guy's stuff...