The Man From U.N.D.E.A.D. - The Curious Case of the Kidnapped Chemist received the following five star review from Ignite, so thanks for posting.
"This is an action packed adventure in a world which is shot through with magic, alien creatures and mythological beings from which we are protected by an agency - U.N.D.E.A.D. The story is narrated by Ward, a likeable and self-deprecating agent and the plot is full of twists and turns. It's an exciting and fast moving story and full of humour. It's not the belly laugh, slapstick type but is clever and subtle, using word-play and wonderful, memorable phrases, the sort of humour I much prefer. I am relatively new to Darren Humphries' work and he grows on me with each book. I was delighted to find, at the end of this, that there's a sequel. I now understand there is a whole series planned - Bring it on! "