Of late, inspiration has been coming to me in the shape of short stories. Despite the fact that my previous collection of short stories (Sharing A Fence With The Twilight Zone) is about the least popular of everything that I've put out there, I go where the inspiration takes me.
These stories, though, are not made of the same humour for which I am best known (where I am known at all). These have a tendency to darker visions, resolutely earthbound and rooted in more recognisable landscapes. Having said that, many of them do have a supernatural edge to them.
Anyway, pulpy stories deserve, call out for even, a pulpy cover and this is the one that I've come up with. It echoes the old battered book cover motif I used for Penny Kilkenny Saves The Day, but I hope conveys the fun that I've had writing the stories so far.
There aren't enough of those to justify the whole book just yet, but if they keep coming with the regularity that they have been then it won't be too long.