Friday, 5 September 2014

The Return of the Cover Dilemma

 Since people weren't necessarily impressed with the cover concept that I had come up with for the forthcoming THEY CAME FROM BEYOND PULP,  I decided to give it a total overhaul to see if I could make it work better for people. The result is on the right and I actually prefer the original that I had, so I don't think that I'll be using this one.

Since I wasn't happy with the one that I had, I went back to the drawing board and came up with the new concept that you can see below. Since the stories in the collection are meant to be based around murder and crime and punishment and various dark-themed things like that, the blood motif has to stay and I really liked the bright yellow background for making a bold statement. It certainly catches the attention.

The question is whether it does enough to make people want to read the blurb and decide whether or not they want to read the book. That is, after all the main purpose of the cover.

The stories are finished, the beta readers are working on cleaning up the text of all the errors that I failed to spot and hopefully I'll be able to release it soon.

If I can get the cover right.

There are times when not being able to afford to hire people to do this stuff is a real pain.

Anyway, the images are here. Give me some hints on whether it's a complete failure on my Goodreads thread.

The good news is that I have so many story ideas rattling around inside my head that I don't think I'll be running out of projects any time soon. Of course, they'll need covers too!