Monday, 18 July 2011

Ebooks I Have Read

Since writing takes such a long time and the proofreading and editing that goes on after is even longer, the number of posts is likely to remain near to zero, so I will add posts regarding ebooks that I have read. This is the review that I left on Amazon for 42 - Douglas Adams' Amazingly Accurate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything

"Let me first say that I'm a massive Douglas Adams fan and really wanted to like this book since the author was educated in Longridge from whence I also hail. Unfortunately, the long list of stuff that is linked to the number 42 in increasingly thin and fabricated ways (there are lots of 'almost', 'not far from' and 'nearly' 42s mentioned) gets tiresome and, as the author himself admits, seems to be a wikipedia trawl made print.
This is a shame because the book is almost saved by the bit towards the end where the author goes through the story of the birth of hitchhikers and 42 in particular and this bit gets all of the two stars that are awarded. More of this would have been much more fun and more informative and earned a better review."