The latest of the Man From U.N.D.E.A.D short stories takes Agent Ward back to his very first case for the United Nations Department for the Enforcement and Apprehension of Demons.
Entitled THE SILENCE OF THE MIMES, it involves Ward in a case involving some mimes, the Moulin Rouge, the Orient Express and some cutlery.
Whilst the story itself goes through the rigours of beta reading, the cover has been through the rigours of, well, being argued about mostly. The naysayers, though, have been defeated and put to death in the underground piranha lake and so I can reveal the cover that will grace Agent Ward's first case.
As for a release date, well these things are trickier than a Skipper Imp, but all being well it should be out sometime within the next twenty years.
I'll be sure to put a note on the blog about it at the time, just in case anyone wants to know.
The cover's locked, by the way, so there won't be any changes made as a result of people not liking it as there were to SPENSER GOES NORTH and THEY CAME FROM BEYOND PULP. That won't stop some people not liking it, though.