BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is one of the most lauded television shows of
recent years. Notice that we left out the qualifier 'science fiction' in
that? That's because the redefined version of a camp 70's STAR WARS
wannabe was a genuine phenomenon that crossed the critical divide from
genre into the mainstream. That might not be such a big thing nowadays
with the success of the likes of GAME OF THRONES and other HBO shows,
but it was big at the time.
So, if you were one of the
people who loved the show (and if not, why not?) then you could do a lot
worse than getting your hands on this lavishly illustrated book that
starts with that camp 70's wannabe and goes right through to the doomed
spin-off CAPRICA and the tv movies that tried to extend the magic.
only a couple of hours' reading time here and the devoted fan won't
learn a lot that they didn't already know, but the words aren't what
books like this are all about. The production art and set designs are
crammed onto every page and there's more than enough to satisfy even the
most hardened Galactica buff. And just in case you weren't convinced
that this is all about the images, there are a couple of envelopes
inside the front and back cover stuffed with pull out images like Ralph
McQuarrie's poster, comparisons of ships of the fleet and the
development of the cylon warrior.
The design of the
book and the gatefold cover make the £20 cover price seem like a
bargain. It's coming up to Christmas, so if you have a frakkin'
Galactica fan in your life your present problems could just have been