Monday, 1 August 2011

Ebooks I have read - Stories I Only Tell My Friends by Rob Lowe

Stories I Only Tell My Friends

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Rob Lowe played Sam Seabourne in THE WEST WING and left after four seasons. My whole reason for buying this book was to find out why and I had to wait to the end to find out why. Before that, I had to get through his youth, his early attempts to break into acting, his early films and successes, the sex tape scandal (somewhat glossed over) and his drinking problems/rehab. Throughout the book, he is engaging, funny, entertaining and unapologetic, although as with most autobiographies there is more than a little 'it wasn't really my fault' going on.

There is more about his politics and his career than about his bedhopping and most of the stories are fun to share. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to have learned after reading it, but I'm off to rewatch all seven seasons of the best TV show ever (TM) THE WEST WING.

My Goodreads Reviews